Cute Cross tattoo picture

Cute Cross tattoo picture
nice simple Cross tattoo design.
When this young woman felt her skin pierced by the tattoo needle, did she think it was a fitting tribute to Christ?

Starcraft Origami

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.

24 Clever Advertisements

This post features 20 clever advertisements from around the world.
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Drive Carefully Advertisement
World No Tobacco Day Advertisement
Australia Post Advertisement
Martial Arts School Advertisement
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Dear Blogger dot com

We really, really HATE the new "followers" layout.
The old one was just fine, discreet even, and this new one is hideous, clumsy and doesn't go with the blogger look at all.
Please, please fix this.

Conspiracy Inc.


Part one of many more to come : I've decided to use this space to , among other things , post my work months at the shop so that if ever you were to drop by the Conspiracy to see me with some coffee (double espresso/black for me thanks) ... You'd know when to do it ! Smart right ? So I'll try to do this regularly , I was thinking every month !!

So if ever you happened to be in the hood ... My March schedule of attendance at the office of blood sweat and tears is :

Thursday the 26th of Feb. (from 2 till late)
Friday the 27th of Feb. (from 2 till late)
Thursday the 5th of March (from2 till late)
Friday the 6th of March (from 2 till late)
Thursday the 12th of March (from 2 till late)
Friday the 13th of March (from 2 till late)
Thursday the 19th of March (from 2 till very late)
Friday the 20th of March (from 2 till late)
Saturday the 21st of March (from 2 till not so late)
Thursday the 26th of March (from 2 till late)
Friday the 27th of March (from 2 till late)

For any other enquiry :

EP >>>>> Out !


One 8 hour shot done on my last trip to magical Hong Kong ! Behold the Mecha-Mao-Zilla !!

Sleeve started in 2007 and just finished and all touched-up las February 09 ! Ninja Thomas's war !!

One shot from the end of last year (08) ! This hot fish-maiden and her last meal !


First installment of a series of posts I'll be making to fill up the shop's vault of tat-a-goodness !

Rose on a neck ! An old classic re-nipped and done in late 08 !!

El Presidente , the one the only !! Sweet spontaneous two shot from 08 !!

One shot done on my last visit to Richmond VA ( Summer 08 ) ... No worries !! This robot's a gentleman !!

Beautiful and Creative Light Writing

Light writing is a form of stop motion animation wherein still images captured using the technique known as light painting are put in sequence thereby creating the optical illusion of movement for the viewer.
Light Paint Piano Player
Max Ophuels Preis Trailer
Light Writing Music
Impacto Criativo (Creative Impact)
Everything Will Illuminate
Lange Nacht der Forschung

Backpiece day at Conspiracy Inc.

First up Tina, who had her first session in a very, very long time.
As you can see, a large part is still not done, but she's pretty tough, so hopefully this piece will be finished in July.

And after her came Morten, who don't technically have a backpiece, more like a large back tattoo, but who cares!
This time they finished all the black, so with the help of some painkillers and Baldrian pills, the next session will hopefully be his last.
Up next, his arms.

More amazing wizards (dragon edition)

I'm seriously obsessed with wizard tattoos. Sorry if you guys are getting sick of them! Here are a bunch with their dragon buddies.

It looks like he's about to pitch all the magic onto his hand that's holding the orb, whereupon it will smash into one million pieces and doom the dragon to an eternity underground without his friends or family.

This dude is NOT HAPPY about the dragon's fiery flames. Not one bit.

Since when are wizards 100x bigger than dragons? I like the lightning bolts though.

"Alright, I want a dungeon. A deep, dark, scary dungeon, with a DRAGON and a huge SPIDER, and a lizard, and cobwebs, and an EVIL PLOTTING WIZARD with another dragon on his shoulder, and a CUTE BLUEBIRD and a HEART with a banner with my girlfriend's name on it and a bunch of FLAMES on the other side and some smoke all around everything. Okay?"