But it is clear that the region behind the neck has always been regarded as attractive. This might appear as a bit strange in the light of today’s culture. The Japanese Geisha left streaks of skin showing on this region through the white makeup they would put over their neck and face. Other places include: Back of Neck – or the nape has at all times been considered to be an extremely sensuous area.
Sadly, this tattoo has been over exploited and has lost much of its charm with the passing of the ‘90s. The tried and tested tramp stamp is one option, and was in its hey-day very desirable. Sexiest Places To Tattoo The best places for female tattoo designs are relative to each person, since each individual has her own tastes. Cute, attractive tattoos and designs can now with the internet be created easily.
There are quite a few other places, thankfully, and women today don’t need to simply follow the old path of tattoos on their lower back. However, nowadays women seem less interested in the cliché tattoo on the lower back and seem to be looking out for better places to tattoo. Female tattoo designs are becoming increasingly popular as more and more women are being drawn to tattoos.