Smallest Girl in the world due to Primordial Dwarfism

Kenadie Jourdin-Bromley weighed 2 lbs, 8 ounces when she was born in February 2003.

She was not expected to live more than a day, but she has survived. She continued to defy doctors expectations and at the age of 8 months, Kenadie was finally diagnosed with primordial dwarfism, a genetic condition that is believed to affect only about 100 people in the world.

She isn't expected to grow past about 30 inches or weigh more than 8 pounds। Her special needs expenses are substantial. If you wish, you can help through a Paypal donation.

Smallest Girl in the world due to Primordial Dwarfism

Smallest Girl in the world due to Primordial Dwarfism

Smallest Girl in the world due to Primordial Dwarfism

Smallest Girl in the world due to Primordial Dwarfism

Smallest Girl in the world due to Primordial Dwarfism

Smallest Girl in the world due to Primordial Dwarfism